User Request Form

  1. any question about the registration phase and any difficulties you could encounter when moving the first steps into the system can be addressed using the Help Desk Button on top of page
  2. the license and user data file must be downloaded on local storage, compiled (using any version of Acrobat Reader capable to fully edit the pdf forms) and only after uploaded into the system. It should not be scanned nor reprinted in pdf, not compiled inside the internet browser
  3. the upload of the license and user data file into the system is done by selecting it and pressing the "SEND REQUEST" button. This in turn requires the mandatory acceptance of the Terms & Conditions in the license (done by flagging the related box) and optionally the authorization to ASI to send promotional communications about PRISMA
  4. the description of the project must contain at least 150 words (this does not means 150 characters)
  5. after pressing the "SEND REQUEST" button, wait that your registration request is taken in charge by the system. This happens when on top of the page appears "Your Request has successfully submitted. We will verify your data and apply the membership as soon as possible" on a green background
  6. please be patient and refrain from pressing the "SEND REQUEST" button twice or submitting multiple identical registration requests